"A building is most alive when it exhibits change, when the patterns of its shadows reflect the seasons, and when, over many years . its weathering and staining occur so that we know it was expected and planned for" Abercrombie, S, 1984,167). Taken from Architecture as art.

The above image is an example of existing building typology found at the Howard Smith Wharves site; Above ground air raid shelters constructed from concrete blocks, sewer pipe and formed concrete relics of WW2, products of fear long since forgotten.

The fished cenotaph render at the very top is hopefully evidently derivative of the existing typology and therefore will be integrated effortlessly with the site.

The above image is a perfect 'parti' diagram for the entire project: a contemporary looking concrete bunker cast in-situ, lying in ruin, slowly being reclaimed by nature.

Alternative shell ideation: Parasitic shell constructed from steel typography repeating the word 'peace'

Experimentation: Exploring various alternatives for an exoskeleton.


The finished product: a culmination of minimalism, military utilitarian function and parasitic, organic bio-mimicry.


The rectangular stadium in melbourne by cox rayner and arup has a very parasitic form to it.

The pink parasitic artefact is or2' by orproject at the london architecture festival.
The other paracitic image is a Salvador Dali museum featured on

Experimentation with alternative parasitic shells.

Parasite in context with other models and site:
Render courtesy of Anderson, C, 2010.

Egg Vase by Marcel Wanders. The vase was created by putting several hard boiled eggs into a condom and taking a mold. It has a very organic/ parasitic aesthetic.

The yellow parasitic domes of the mountain retreat by General Design Company, Japan have a very similar aesthetic to the cenotaph whilst they are not direct inspiration for the memorial they do share distinct similarities in their form. This picture was stolen from